Friday, July 18, 2014

Hand Foot Mouth, Oh My...

*WARNING* This post is not for the faint of heart.  Swoosh came down with Hand Foot Mouth a few weeks ago and it was awful.  In raising three kids I hadn't ever encountered this one before.  I really don't blame you if you leave right now.  Here's the HFM timeline:

July 2nd- Started running a temperature.  My niece & nephew came over...can you say EXPOSED.

July 3rd 
This night was AWFUL!  Swoosh cried practically all night long and said his feet were burning.  There was nothing we could do other than give him Motrin.  It was a sad night for him (and me).  I felt so sorry for him. 

July 4th- Had to miss the family 4th of July celebration...

July 5th 

July 6th 

July 7th- My nephew (7 years old) starts getting the spots.
July 8th- Take Red Shoes to the doctor...he's complaining of a sore throat.
July 9th- My nephews worst night. Has a few spots on his hands, feet and in his mouth. Notice spots on Red Shoes' hands. Complains about his throat for a few days.
July 12th- My other nephew (1 year old, from  (different family) starts running a temperature
July 13th- Starts getting spots
July 15th- Full blown spots on hands, feets and face.  

This is way harder on the younger kids.  I think Swoosh got some kind of secondary infection on his face sores.  All in all It took about a week to get it all cleared up to where we could really take him into public. 

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Last Night, Summer 2014

Last night was one of those nights that summer is all about.  Swoosh and I made Zucchini Brownies.  You can find the recipe HERE. It's the BEST recipe...really weird though.  If you make them you will swear that they are not going to turn out.  When you put them in the oven it's the consistency of powder, not a normal batter.  I guess there's enough moisture in the zucchini that it all works out.  This is before we put the brownies in the oven.  Swoosh was pretty proud.

Red Shoes got lessons in mowing the yard from his dad last night.  This is why kids have moms and dad's right?  I get worried over this kind of stuff.  We do a good job balancing each other out.  Red Shoes was beyond overjoyed.
This girl is loves the water.  This is the best money we've spent this summer.  This pool has given our kids (and us) hours and hours of fun.

Our dog Layla....she's been with us coming up on a year now.  We couldn't have asked for a better dog.  She's fun and never ever mean with the kids.  She's been a nice addition to our family.
 Our cat had kittens this summer.  We've had a lot of fun watching her care for her babies and watching her kittens grow.  

This is the view from our backyard this summer.  What a good crop growing year! Pin It

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Swoosh Turns 3!

Swoosh turned 3!  Actually he turned 3 almost a year ago and I'm playing catch up on the blog.  I promise to do better for his 4th birthday.  He's pretty excited about his upcoming party...but we'll save that for August. We invited our families over to celebrate. We had fun visiting, my nephew took the kids on a 4-wheeler rides, it was a fun time.  Happy 3rd Swoosh!

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Red Shoes Turns 8!

In January Red Shoes turned 8.  Eight! I still can't wrap my head around it.  I've never met anyone who loves their birthday more.  Red Shoes starts thinking and planning the next birthday the day his birthday.   He wanted a Toy Story theme this year.  I think it was largely due to THIS.  And he wanted a "home" party.  I think that's sweet.   He even wanted to wear his costume to his party.  Two of his good friends from school came to his party and he was surrounded by his family.    

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Feet's 6th Birthday

Happy Feet turned 6 in May. My how the years are flying by! She has that same twinkle in her eye and arch in her brow that she did as a little baby. She is so fun and witty and such a blessing to us. She chose to have a "Frozen" birthday this year. She had a fun party and was surrounded by her closest friend and her family.

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