Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pharyngeal Flap Surgery- Day 9

Yes! Things are Improving!

For the first time since Red Shoes' surgery I can FINALLY say that things seem to be looking up!  Red Shoes' dad took him to the park this morning.  I don't think they stayed too long because he still wears out pretty quickly. 

It's so good to see him out of his pajamas!

After that we took Red Shoes to see Toy Story 3.  It was a little risky, but we thought he would probably be able to make it through the movie.  He was super excited when we got to the theatre.  He's only been to one other movie.  He was younger and his attention span wasn't too good at that time.
Ready to watch the movie...he has his 3-D glasses and sample muffin (he never ate it).

Toward the end of the movie Red Shoes was getting tired.  He went right to sleep on the ride home. 

I thought this afternoon would be like other recent days...a 4-5 hour nap.  But my boy had other ideas.  I was surprised...He wanted to EAT! I put some butter and grape jelly on soft bread and he ate it up!  Progress!

Yes, I know, the pajamas are back!  He insists on wearing them every afternoon whether he naps or not!  What a great day this has been!

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1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hi there! My name is Jennifer and my 4 year old son is fixing to have Pharyngeal flap surgery. I googled it just now to get info and your site came up. How bout that?!?! Anyways, I was just wondering how your son is doing now and if his speech has greatly improved since the surgery. Thank you for any info you can give me. :)