Wednesday, March 9, 2011

40 Days/40 Bags

Today is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent.  I'm joining Sarah in her 40 Bags/40 Days of Lent Challenge  The premise behind it is to clean-up, clean-out, and get rid of what you don't need or use on a regular basis, and in doing so, make more room for God.

I got started this morning with the area I dreaded most.  Don't ask me why, but I just did.  My junk drawers. Yes, you read correctly.  Not drawer, drawers.  Here's my before and afters.
After- I never thought I had adequate room for my beloved cookbooks. 
Wonder of all wonders...I do now!



It feels so good to have this area clean and organized.  I keep going back into my kitchen to sneek a peek. My husbands tools haven't made it back in...yet.
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