Monday, May 24, 2010

Let Summer Vacation Begin...

Today is officially the first day of summer vacation for us. Here's our morning in pictures.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

In the Garden...

I'm into Square Foot Gardening.  I'm kind of lazy, and I have a VERY small yard, and even if I didn't (or wasn't) I would prefer this method of gardening.  Here's a few pictures of my gardens as of today May 20, 2010.  I still need to get my peppers in.  It just keeps raining so I've been waiting.  Please excuse the weeds...I really need to do something about them! The good news is that once I get motivated (or it stops raining) it will take no time at all to turn this garden into a weedless wonder!

As you can see some of the broccoli, cabbage & cauliflower leaves look a little rough.  We had some hail a few weeks ago.  In addition to that I found Red Shoes & Happy Feet wondering through the garden which is stictly forbidden!  I guess they forgot? 

Oh, and if you were wondering...the cucumbers will grow up vertical supports.  I still need to get the netting up...need to do that very soon! 

Here's my raised bed:

Here's what I hope the fruits of my labor will look like:
Lemon Boy Tomato

Black Krim Tomato  (I got this tomato plant from a sweet new friend.  I dearly hope that it makes it!)

Supersweet 100 Cherry Tomato


Better Boy
Green Bell Peppers

Mild Jalapeno Pepper
Armenian Cucumbers- My mom plants these every year.  They are delicious!  I like how they have a thin skin and are very crunchy!

Yellow Squash
I know...I don't have squares designated for the zucchini or squash.  I'm hoping to come up with some room somewhere.  Maybe when the cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage come out?  I'll plant it before their harvest.

I'll post pictures periodically of my little gardens.  I'll even be honest if they turn out terrible. 
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chicken Alfredo Pizza

I made the Quick & Easy Pizza Crust Recipe.  It can be found here.  Then, I just combined a few different recipes to create this pizza. 

Spread your dough onto a greased pizza pan/square dusted with cornmeal.  Here's the ingredients you will need:
 1/2 cup alfredo sauce
 Enough cooked, chopped chicken to fill your pizza
1 green pepper, diced
1/2 red onion, diced
1/2 cup or so of chopped mushrooms
Mozzarella Cheese, whatever amount you prefer
Feta Cheese ( I used about a 1/3 cup, that's all I had or I probably would have used a little more.
Salt & Pepper to taste (sprinkle on top right before it goes into the oven)
Bake for 20 minutes or until it is golden brown.  Great served with a spinach salad. 

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Monday, May 10, 2010

The Rainbow Cake

Happy Feet just turned two.  I got this idea for her birthday cake here.  She's one of my favorite bloggers.   Was this a good idea? I thought so at the time....
While Happy Feet took her afternoon nap, Red Shoes and I attempted the Rainbow Cake. 
 He was completely excited to make this cake together. 
We only had one near disaster...Red Shoes thought it would be fun to mix the batter.  Who wouldn't right?  Luckily, I was able to spoon out the red batter that made its way into the yellow batter. 

See that plate of rainbow scraps?  Red Shoes got to snack on that while I frosted the cake...actually here he's licking frosting out of a cup. 
Okay, maybe this wasn't a good idea...Any guesses as to what my kitchen floor looked like?
Here's the finished product.  Okay, I guess it was worth it!
Just makes you happy to look at it, let alone eat it
Two days later...
Okay, maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.  This is how I found Happy Feet this morning while I checked my email. It was VERY quiet in the house...I knew she was up to something.
She climbed up the pull handles on the drawers to get to her scrumptious rainbow cake.
Who can blame her? When she saw me she said, "mmmmmm". No, I didn't let her keep eating it.

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Feet Turns 2

Happy Birthday Happy Feet!  We love you!

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