Friday, April 29, 2011

From Secretariat to Hippotherapy...

I haven't blogged for over a month.  I'm not sure what happened...I kind of needed a break, things got busy and then I didn't even know what to start back up with.  So I'll start with this...

Remember the inspirtation my kids found from the movie the Secretariat?   It led to a new gig for Red Shoes.  One Sunday at church I was talking with a lady who is involved in a Hippotherapy  program around our area.  She said it would be perfect for Red Shoes.  We applied for it and they accepted him.  It's great because they take what he is working on in speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy and integrate it into what he's he does for hippotherapy....he doesn't even know he's "working", and that's good, because Red Shoes has to do a lot of "work".

 Each week he gets to go for an hour and get his horse (Scotty)  ready by grooming him, helping getting him saddled and then riding him.  He's super excited about it. I really thought he might be scared of the horse once his was standing right up next to him.  Not a chance.  As soon as he met him he wanted to ride!  My boy has changed a lot over the last few years.  He's gotten so brave.

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