Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Red Shoes' Febrile Seizure

Last week was quite the week.  It started on Monday with the two little ones coming down with a stomach bug.  They were still puking on Wednesday and the diarhea continued until about Friday.  I stayed home on Tuesday, my husband on Wednesday and we had snow days on Thursday and Friday.

On Thursday morning I woke up to a sick Red Shoes.  He had puked and following that was very lethargic.  He kind of just moved from spot to spot between the couch and the floor all day long.  That night I was rocking Red Shoes and I told my husband that he felt a little warm and that I should give him some Motrin.  Not crazy hot, just a little feverish.  I started to feel something weird...some twitching...I looked down and Red Shoes was looking at me, but it's like he wasn't even there.  I hollered to my husband that something was wrong.  We turned the lights on and Red Shoes' lips were blue.  It was absolutely terrifying.  We layed him down on the floor and I went to call 911.  I told my husband that I thought maybe it was a seizure, but I didn't know.  Red Shoes has NEVER had a seizure before and I didn't really know what one even looked like. 

There were two policemen that came in pretty quickly after I called 911.  They said they had just been driving by the house when they heard the call.  The paramedics arrived about 3 minutes after that.  Our neighbors ran over and got Happy Feet and Swoosh.  They were pretty scared witnessing what was going on too. 

By the time the paramedics arrived Red Shoes had thrown up and was starting to whimper.  What a blessing and relief to hear life coming from him.

We were having a big snowstorm, and the roads were really bad.  I was nervous the entire ride to the hospital.  It probably took over 30 minutes to get to the hospital.  I would estimate that Red Shoes started to kind of come to about 20 to 25 minutes into the ride. 

It was determined that he had a febrile seizure.  At the hospital he had a fever of 101.  They did  a chest x-ray to make sure that he hadn't aspirated.  He was exhausted from the seizure, but other than that he was the same Red Shoes. 

I talked to Red Shoes' doctor the next day and he said that a while ago they used to do a big work up on kids when this happened.  Now, as long as its associated with a fever they don't do too much.  He did tell me that it would be a good idea to brush up on my child CPR.  No kidding.  I wish I could say that in the midst of chaos I was calm, and knew what to do.  I didn't feel that way at all.  I felt helpless and like I didn't have a clue what to do.  I've taken CPR several times over my life, but it didn't all come back for me like they say it does. 
I'm so thankful to have many people who lift Red Shoes and our family up in their prayers.  Thank you for that.  I also feel incredibly blessed to have neighbors that come to our rescue time and time again.  When things like this happen it really does help put everything into perspective. They say that there's a 70% chance that Red Shoes will never have another seizure.   Let's hope they're right. 
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